Tuesday, April 10, 2012

EOC Week 2: Piracy

The internet is a magically place. Over the years, the trends differ from one thing to another. What’s popular one day is out the next.  Various components have changed over the years with internet service providers to just plain browsers. The internet has evolved so quickly over the years; quite frankly it’s hard to keep up. And with that said, it’s also part of the problem. The internet connects you to millions of people all over the world. Let me say that again, and really think about it. The internet connects you to millions of people every day. While that can be an amazing thing, it’s also a very scary thing. You privacy is attacked on different levels every day. The websites you visit, the internet service provider you use and the government are all interested in what you do on the internet.

It’s no secret Uncle Sam has been watching its civilians (No, I do not have a tin foil hat) for a while now. After 9/11 the government has been in full blown invasion of privacy mode. SOPA and PIPA were very proof of the government trying to watch “the man”. Bills like SOPA are popping up all the time now allowing the government to such down web sites, monitor your activity and basically run the internet. The scary part is, that’s only a third of the battle. Web sites that you go every day also try to collect your information. Then they put a price tag on it. Facebook is one of those sites that everyone loves but ignores the terms of service. Google has similar terms of service that gives them the rights to all uploaded materials onto their servers. Priveazy is a free website that tries to help people dodge the website bullets. Even your own ISP tries to collect your information and track your usage for the government and also personal interest. Some extremist are every attempting tofund their own ISP to be completely privacy free. So, what website are you going to visit next?

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